Our priest is out of town next Sunday.....

by Otony, Sunday, May 31, 2015, 18:50 (3468 days ago)

.......and it looks like I'm saddling up to do a Typika, also called a Reader Service. It has been many a moon since I've needed to do a solo service, and I'm a wee bit anxious about it. Not sure why, as it is a fairly orchestrated service with only a few lines unique to the commemorations of the day, but doing something out of the usual often makes me nervous.

Now, once I get going the jitters pass, but in this case a lot of folks are looking to me for their entire Sunday Service. No pressure, right? Just have to chant and sing the service without the benefit of a choir, priest, or deacon. Easy peasy. Thankfully, no other participants means that an hour and a half service ends up running about 40 minutes. Then it is time for coffee, lunch, and a debriefing by the faithful, wherein all my mistakes are examined under a microscope to the amusement of all. :-D

So, easy that sounds, I'd still appreciate your prayer support while I act like a Nervous Nelly.


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