That reputation will not serve them well

by Miles ⌂, CIVITATES AMERICAE, Thursday, May 28, 2015, 16:56 (3407 days ago) @ stonewalrus

when I was stationed at Knox, we had one guy who's reputation, and my experience, was that he'd spend more time and exert more effort trying to figure out a way not to work than if he'd just do the job and go on from there.

As it's almost *unpossibal!* to fire someone in the civil service, all you can really do is hope they apply for another position and help to send them on their merry way.

He was two jobs past a return from Japan, from where he was trying to return since he had married and had family, and property, over there. (In the civil service, you will be returned to your point of origin stateside every so often.)

Seems he was never selected for any job he applied for. Later I heard he had finally just gave up, "retired" and moved back. His reputation had done him in, even though we gave him sterling referrals just to get him out of our hair. His former managers in Japan had no reason to 'gild the lily' and - I surmised - told his prospective managers what he was like.

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