another beautiful day in S.E. Alaska

by Dennis Eugene @, Prince of Wales Island Alaska, Saturday, April 07, 2012, 16:20 (4561 days ago)

Watched the weather all week as it kept getting better and better and when we get a day like today on the island you learn not to waste it. Got up early and met up with a friend, Troy, Left the house at 06:20 and started hiking ended up not getting back to the house until 11:45 tired and hungry. We started up the hill it was cool and calm a real cadillac of a day. Takes about an hour to get up through the timber until you get into the open where you need to put the snowshoes on. We crossed a couple muskegs looking towards the ridge we where heading up[image]Here's a picture of me Troy snapped after we crossed the muskeg and broke out of the timber on the ridge top [image] here's another fine photo looking back towards where we had came from on the ridge [image]and on I snapped of Troy while taking a break before the final assault towards the repeater atop the Mt. [image] here's a nice pic of our destination the top and the repeater from where Troy stood in the last pic.[image] The ground got very steep and the snow was unstable so we cut short our hike just a hunnert yrds shy of the repeater but I did get this one pic of the 40' container that houses much of the electrical equipment [image] and before we started back down I side hilled over and took this one photo of the Pacific from up near the top. [image] All in all it was a very enjoyable morning all tho much hard work was involved especially on my part as I seem to keep getting older every year and Troy is a solid 11 years younger than I and works me hard as I would him where the shoe on the other foot. I hope you enjoy this post nearly as much as I. Dennis

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