The need for a 44 Magnum?

by Art @, Littleton, Colorado, Wednesday, May 06, 2015, 16:20 (3429 days ago)

I am starting to think I may not need a 44 Mag revolver. I have a 44 Special Ruger Flat Top that will do almost any thing I want a revolver to do. That along with a large frame Ruger 45 Colt, a 357 S&W 686 and a 41 Magnum Freedom Arms. I can hand load the 45 Colt to equal the 44 Mag. Also, lately I have been down loading more and more the 44 Mag. I used to load 10 Grains of Unique and a 240 Grain hard cast for many years for a every day load but as I age my artheritic hands do not care fo it much. Ireally wonder if I will use it much any more.

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