Unfunny how this works

by brionic @, Thursday, April 30, 2015, 09:08 (3435 days ago) @ Miles

Legal, law abiding, generally decent hard working citizens, who have jumped through all the hoops to legally purchase, carry, and fire CONSTITUTIONALLY GUARANTEED firearms are criminalized, marginalized, and stigmatized by nincompoops, hypocrites, and lowlife forms of "journalists" and "politicians" in the latency game.

Then the flag goes up and suddenly the same citizens are magically the "good guys" and "brother can you spare a Glock" saviors of formerly anti-gun thugs and cheap-shot dung beetles.

When the feces struck the oscillator in Los Angeles, just about everybody I knew turned out to be carrying some form of SIG, Beretta, HK, or Glock... these would-be progressives turned out to be self loathing pragmatists.

"What are you afraid of?" I had been asked, mockingly, several times by said "enlightened" boors.

"Violent mobs and home invasion," was my standard reply. I recall no snappy comeback to that response.

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