Tornado way too close to home.

by bmize, Friday, April 06, 2012, 13:15 (4562 days ago) @ Jared

Glad y'all make it through safely.
Something I learned back last year, any hand helping clean up someones personal belongings is greatly appreciated.
I was not able to help out alot, but did go over a few days. I took some rubbermaid buckets with lids and helped some people dig out pictures and family keepsakes.
My son ran my chainsaw for several weekends. Truned it over to a neighbor when he could not go back anymore. I guess it kept going on around.
The twisters we had last April missed us by 1/2 mile or so. I picked up 2 garbage can full of insulation, sheetrock and wood from my yard. We were lucky.
The ones that came through in Jan missed us by less than 2 miles. Came through about 4am.

I still see places around the state completely torn up from last April.

Wierd thing driving around the state and still seeing the paths it took accross highways and interstate. The trees that are still somewhat standing are all dead and the underbrush has not had time to grow up over the deadfall trees so it is still a big swipe with nothing there but limbs and sticks sticking up.

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