So, the primary hog gun is currently a no-go.

by Bob Hatfield @, Sunday, April 19, 2015, 20:14 (3446 days ago) @ Hoot

The bolt would have to be rotated 90 degrees to the right of the cocking piece with the bolt out of the action to see protrusion. An extra safety feature of the 98 Mauser. Even if the cocking piece lets go the 98 cannot fire unless the bolt is all the way down. Pre 98 Mausers used a different system to preclude the rifle from firing until the bolt was down. On the 98 the flange on the firing pin has to line up inside the bolt as the bolt is turned down to lock in order for it to fire or protrude.

To make a long story short take your bolt out and push the bolt sleeve lock button in a rotate the bolt sleeve to the left and it will let cocking piece fall down the slanted area and let the firing pin protrude. After doing this you must pull the cocking piece back and rotate the bolt sleeve back in place (not easy but doable). I think I remember this from back in the day.

PS Disregard if you already are aware of this


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