I like it...

by pokynojoe, Sunday, April 12, 2015, 17:21 (3453 days ago) @ Hoot

A place for everything; and everything in it's place. What could be wrong with that?

I'm curious though, I wonder what the spare ammo carrier looks like?

I'm gonna make one of those, and I have just the piece to make it. You know those inserts they put in those rolly suitcases that people put in the overhead bins? They're supposed to keep your shirts, or whatever from wrinkling, but you throw them away cause they really don't work. Well, a little velcro, and I think I just found a use for them. And, I have just enough hand guns...five...just like the person in the photo.

I'll post a photo when completed. Now, I won't have to decide which gun I want to take with me. Think I'll call it "The Gun Board". Or maybe "Hip Gun Board"? Maybe with optional back pack straps, so a person could wear it under a jacket? I'll let ya'll come up with the name. Off to the design room!

This ones mine Leahy, hands off! You've already made your fortune and your half my age.

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