I enjoyed that very much!

by Paul ⌂, Friday, April 10, 2015, 09:35 (3455 days ago) @ Bob Hatfield

For some reason I cannot post a reply from the original posters post. I have to reply from the last post?

This interview was Priceless. As much of his stuff I read back in the 70's. Always wondered what he sounded like. I wonder what he meant when he said the cat "fell back chewing the quakies"? after he shot it paralyzed it.

Sure wouldn't get by in an interview using the slang chink nowadays. But he did talk respectful of them.

I'm not sure what happened there, either - in not allowing you to reply to the original.

As far as "fell back chewing the quakies", a wounded cat is a dangerous creature. Pain makes them go bonkers. It apparently fell back into some young aspen (quakies) and started biting anything/everything it could.

My grandpa used to use words that'd get him crucified by the PC crowd today. He didn't mean anything disparaging by them, he loved everyone. But he was raised in a different world/culture than today's "new and improved" society. Personally, I'd FAR rather we return to the society that raised men like Keith and my grandfather. My grandpa was also born in Missouri and I "hear" a lot of his way of thinking and speaking in Elmer Keith's books.

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