
by rob @, Tuesday, March 31, 2015, 20:19 (3465 days ago) @ Byron

I pretty much agree with all that and it confirms much of what I was already thinking. I'm really struggling with spending over a grand on a rifle scope right now (as bad as I want that Trijicon 1-4....most amazing optical view I've ever seen) because I really want to focus on building my other rifle. I bought a Vortex Viper 1-4X24 30mm with an illuminated reticle. It was just under $500 and I can't find any negative reviews on it at all. Back door farm gun is probably the best way to describe this guns purpose...typical 200 yard varmint, deer, hog and interloper gun. It shoots just under to just over an inch with several good factory loads and my handloads and I don't see much use for more than 4X but I 'might' on the gun I'm building. I figure this scope gives me the best of both etched reticle and illumination and if the world comes to an end and the scope companies are all gone and the zombies try and take over and the electronics fail...well, I still have a traditional scope. We'll see how it works out and I'll see what I can learn from this and hopefully it's not another you shouldn't have ventured far from Leupold lesson!

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