Book "DAY OF WRATH" by William R. Forstchen... free

by JD, Western Washington, Thursday, March 26, 2015, 14:21 (3470 days ago)

I have finished reading the book "DAY OF WRATH" by William R. Forstchen. It is a sobering work of fiction that looks at how ill prepared the US is to deal with internal terrorism from groups like ISIS. It is a fictional account of terror attacks on US schools and how unprepared we are. I work with a number of law enforcement and counter-terrorism officers, and they all agree that it is not a question of if such attacks will come, but simply a question of when......

Anyway, William Forstchen is a very intelligent history professor and an excellent author (He wrote "One Second After"), and thoroughly researches his work, so it is very accurate and believable. Not an up-beat book, but one worth reading......

Since I'm done with the book (It's rather short...) I'm happy to forward it on to anyone here that would like to read it. Just email me your mailing address and I'll drop it in the mail to you.

My emule is: jaydee4570 at comcast dot net

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