New Bullet Casting Board

by Charles, Sunday, March 22, 2015, 17:11 (3474 days ago)

Gents...A new bullet casting board is online. It was started by a handful of experienced casters, reloaders and shooters who are trying to avoid the mistakes and problems of other very large bullet casting boards. Numbers of members is not a concern, but quality of members are.

This group here has been together for a very long time and there are no bad apples in this barrel, so I am comfortable in extending an invitation to any of you that might have an interest in this area of gunology.

This board is only a week or two old, and I have been conscripted to be one of the first Moderators. We are of one mind that we want this to be a friendly place, free of personality conflicts, religion and politics. While we all have religion and political views, these subject tend to divide and cause conflict, so we will just push those off to other places.

It is called The Art and Science of Bullet Casting and here is the link;

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