The continuing saga of, "Where did that come from?"

by Hoot @, Diversityville, Liberal-sota, Wednesday, March 18, 2015, 06:29 (3478 days ago)

I could use a Krag trigger guard for a project but, at the moment, it's not too pressing. So, searching through the parts store for an old Weaver scope mount for a friend and a Zip-Lock baggie turns up with, lo and behold, a Krag trigger guard! Where in the world did that come from? Well, it wasn't the object of the current search so it was set aside for later evaluation.

Yesterday, the baggie was opened and, no, it's not a Krag trigger guard but instead a cut down P14/M1917 triggerguard.

But, the question still remains, "Where did that come from?"

I suspect my heirs are going to curse me.....

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