Advice needed on old truck....

by Byron, Tuesday, April 03, 2012, 16:28 (4565 days ago)
edited by Hobie, Tuesday, April 03, 2012, 19:22

My beloved 98 4x4 F150s transmission is beginning to slip and shift slowing from 1st to 2nd. Well maintained with 170,000 miles....has run like a top...only needed tires, shocks, brakes, gas and oil since new...engine burns a a bit over a quart between oil changes...

My opinion is there is no better status symbol than a paid off reliable car or truck and in the past have treated my cars and trucks like the Apaches did their horses....ride them until they died and then eat them.

For the board...move it down the road while it still does on its on and get another good used newer one...or drive it until the transmission goes tits up and repair it for $2500 or so and continue to drive big old Whitey?

I have other fine cars...Lexus and Corvette...but have a soft spot for the old pickup...taught the two older kids to drive in it.

Thanks in advance


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