Please tell me more about the mil - spec ... nt

by John Meeker @, United States, Monday, March 16, 2015, 20:16 (3480 days ago) @ Paul

Paul, it'sa shell is an upside down U profile, with a crossbore dovetail that siturates right cloose to the bore. There are assorted inserts theat slide into place in inverted U housing, and a method to keep them there. It appeared to have made for .22 target trainers of some sort. Guess? perhaps there were issue target guns like out company armory had -- 5 or 7, each, Rem or Win boltactions with a simple high comb stock. had to pack'em up every time we left to go to training areas, too. Never could get acompany and Bn team/league going, tho. No one cared anymore about that stuff. any way, Parkerized and in a little frayed OF paper envelope. My gues is, that it might need a rise under it, unless the stock has a fair amount of drop to alighn eye dowen the bb;/ Hopingh someone here might be familiar with 'em. apologies for the lousy tyoing, but my eeys are not doing too well this eve, but ]should better in AM.

thanks fo iquiry, J.

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