If you want to read some REALLY good ones,

by Harry O-1, Monday, March 16, 2015, 17:43 (3480 days ago) @ Josh Maloley

take a look at any of the gun magazines prior to 1968. The size of the magazine was a lot thicker and the writers knew their stuff better than most today.

As far as the prices, I would like buying collectors guns for pocket change, but I once found an inflation calculator to play with. Just put in the original date and original price. It would calculate present price. I got out one of my oldest magazines and plugged in the gun prices. In most cases, the cost of guns today was about the same cost as the ones back in the 1960's. Of course, some of them have become "very collectable" and don't fit the pattern, but most shooters cost the same today as they did back then. All I know is that I can afford them a lot easier now than I could back then.

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