OT - Turbo Tax

by Mark, Saturday, February 21, 2015, 06:21 (3504 days ago) @ Mark

To BJ:
I remember when I used to do my own taxes as well. That was when I first started in the working world and before I purchased a house.
To all:
Thanks again. I looked into the H&R Block software. It sure does seem similar to Turbo Tax. However, I think this year I think I will try Turbo Tax. I won't be saving much but my tax guy is no spring chicken. I should have a plan B in case he stops doing taxes for any reason and what better plan than to not need anyone's help? I am so on the fence about this that I even considered doing my taxes on turbo tax and going to see the tax guy to find out if the results were different.
Preparing taxes shouldn't be this hard. I wonder if countries like China and Russia pay taxes like we do here in the U.S.

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