had a light serrated blade, that snapped into an,,

by John Meeker, United States, Thursday, February 19, 2015, 21:19 (3505 days ago) @ stonewalrus

upside down plastic sheath. Light cord for neck. If I ould have nothing else for some reason or another it would cut for light utility or opening up a good bleeding slash over thin-skin strike points. turned oout to be more novelty, tho if was ALL you had, it'd do. Like most of us, assorted folders seem to be more useful. Draw, open, use, fold, tuck clip-in.

I do have a couple shoe-boxes full of old friends, buys I haddaa have, strange stuff, etc. Most were given trial runs at the least. For everyday work-carry I have a stout Kershaw 1490 8CR13MOV steel. The grip was a little flatter than I like, but got it now. Took a while to develop the hang of good edge on it, but now it's a shaver and tough enuff, too. Carry a medium three blade with appropriate edges in the other pocket.

Other knives for purely social uses have to open fast, cut/pierce well, and not be too demanding a grip...don't want to have to get into the EXACT finger grooves -- Rather have a shape that is natural to my grip. Pre-loaded flickers work well, but a good stud/cam is fine too. Concealment is high on the list, as well. Rotate thru three or four faves, depending on the clothing and locale. Generally accompanied by one of the hanmmerless Smith's, or the 9-Shield.

Since my occupation has a lot to do with steel edges, these conversations are always interesting. something to learn; something to try.

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