Thanks Gentlemen.

by Hoot @, Diversityville, Liberal-sota, Monday, February 16, 2015, 20:40 (3508 days ago) @ Hoot

I knew collector value was out the window with a refinish. The metal is far enough gone (we'll find out just how far soon) that even with a vintage stock, it'd still not be very collectable. I think I will build with the barrel uncut for now. I can always whack a few inches off both the barrel and forearm at some later date. Thinking slender and straight with an open grip. I have a vintage 'no drill' peep and the 36" or so sight radius sounds appealing...for now. As Brian says, the proof will be in the handling. This project is still a ways off as my stock making skills need to sharpen a bit before I take on nice wood. Currently practicing with a Mauser and a Boyd's stock.

And, John, "Pukka Sahib" was my very thought. Although likely no folding leaves.....maybe? ;-)

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