Wife wants a pistol

by Dave B @, Alamogordo New Mexico, Tuesday, February 10, 2015, 09:06 (3514 days ago)

So I am in a huge dilemma. I think she suffers from a little carpel tunnel, and her hand strength isn't the best. She shoots my SR 1911 CMD, but I think it is too much for her, and as much as I would like another 1911 in my house, I want to find something she will actually shoot. I am leaning towards a 9mm, I was thinking a revolver, but she doesn't seem to care for them, was hoping she would take a shine to my 3" GP100, but it wasn't to be. Looking for a few recommendations, my long range quest has been holding my attention for a while now, and unfortunately, I don't know man women around here who shoot (well maybe not too unfortunate that I don't know too many women). Appreciate it gents.


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