Buzzy riding...

by Paul ⌂, Monday, February 09, 2015, 12:08 (3515 days ago) @ Otony

Yep, the little GN125 would go up and over La Linea, but in first and second gear at 9,500 to 10,000 RPM (redline). Any less and it simply wouldn't pull. Moving up to the XL200 and I can go up and over in second, third and even up to fourth - no idea on RPM as there is no tach on it, but it's definitely revving much less than the little bike did. One thing that I like about the Royal Enfield is that it's a lower revving engine. The Bajaj Avenger would be of the higher revving style, which is to me less desirable, especially with a thumper. The old Honda CB500Four I started riding on years back was smooth as silk at any RPM, not so most single cylinder engines. And those vibrations add up over time, making the ride less and less pleasant.

Good point on the riding position. That's one reason I nixed number three on my list. Lousy ergonomics for someone with over a 28 inch inseam. The Bajaj has a more cruiser style seating arrangement - and highway pegs to boot. Still waiting on a chance to get over to a RE dealer to see how they feel. There's only two in the country, and both are a ways off. They ARE tied in with another bike company so maintenance wouldn't be too much of an issue since the other guys are all over the place. I do most of my own wrenching on basic maintenance, but during warranty periods I prefer to take it to them and let them do their thing.

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