by pokynojoe, Friday, March 30, 2012, 16:29 (4569 days ago) @ R.E.

I happen to hold in my hand, at this very moment, a piece of paper they tell me is worth approximately $640 million dollars. After my numbers are confirmed this evening(a mere formality I assure you) I will, through the kindness of my heart, send you the money, gratis, mind you, that will enable you to buy both. It bothers me to see someone like you suffering such mental anguish. No need to thank me.

I'm also going to fix the engine on my '82 buick so's I can make it to this year's CSA. So it looks like I'll be attending after all, if I can get off work that Friday. Other than that, I don't have any plans for any of the rest of the money, I don't really need anything I can think of right now. My house needs some new windows, maybe I'll buy those, if I can get a deal on them.

Just be patient, it's only a few more hours.


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