Thank you for asking Art.

by Hoot @, Diversityville, Liberal-sota, Wednesday, January 28, 2015, 21:27 (3527 days ago) @ Art

It's difficult to say where this particular ride will end. I have been given a pretty generous severance so the "need" isn't really there. In fact, I could ride it out and then be eligible for unemployment which, after it runs out, would leave me durn close to retirement status.

I have been running the traces with the "transition service" hired by the company. I'll get a nice resume and some interviewing skills out of the deal. Who knows? I may need them. A good friend is also starting up his own company and something may come of that.

Melodie and I are in a good place with our heads, our hearts and our wallets. We also have the Lord in our corner. I have no real anxieties for what is to come. Still and all, I appreciate you thinking of us.

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