
by Creeker @, Hardwoods, Tuesday, January 27, 2015, 18:58 (3528 days ago) @ Creeker

Well it didn’t warn up but it was very sunny which felt good. I installed a cheap Tasco scope on the Handi Rifle to help check the loads. I used the same Lyman 311008 bullet sized .310 with Carnauba Red lube & the same powder charge, 5 grains of Promo but did change primers to Wolf LR. I seated these to the bottom with the RCBS system which seats the primers on top the press. It was very easy to feel them bottom.

Once on the paper at 15 yards I moved the target to 50 yards. The very bright sun was to my right & the wind was howling from the right. Did I mention it was 23? I took nothing fancy to shoot from as I mainly wanted to test the rifle for function as my gunsmith said the problem was with my loads & not the rifle. [See Problem] So I simply shot leaning against the truck & shooting over the hood resting best I could on the rifle case. The scope was set on 6X & the bull was 1 ½”.

I moved the scope a few times & finally shot the first group, 2 1/16”.

I turned the target over, sprayed another 1 ½” bullet & fired 5 rounds of which 4 were in 3” but one was high off the paper.

Appears the load is not as good as the RCBS 30-180-FN & 22 grains of IMR 3031 but I’m nowhere near finished with the Lyman bullet & Promo as I have plenty of both so I’ll increase the powder charge a little at a time as I’m looking for 1 ½” at 50 yards for 5 shots.

While there I tried the Lyman bullet in the 94 Winchester using the same rest. I only fired 3 shots which went into 1 7/16”. The front & rear sight was in the shade so the sight picture could have been better but as Barbara says: It is what it is.

Also fired 81 rounds from the S&W 67-1. I’m using the Saeco 928 bullet, a round nose designed for the 38 Super but it cast large enough to size .358”. I loaded these with 3.5 grains of Promo & a HMF primer. This first target was fired with my bifocals [transition lenses] as dark as they get with the sixgun & my head in the shade on the truck hood. I rested my hands on the rifle case & let 6 go. I’ve not opened the rear blade on this sight so I was mostly shooting in the blind. The results are the 4 shots on the left with 2 off target.

Next I moved to the other side of the truck & fired 6 more off hand in the bright sunlight which was to my right. The results are the 6 shots to the right.

The next target was fired with the same sixgun & load, off hand at 20 yards with the sun over my right shoulder. Much better.

Not a bad day & sure beats sitting at home. I loaded everything in the truck & drove by the old Mark Twain High School sight. Not much there now. Took a picture of the sign & the steps which is all that’s left of the school.

Back in the truck I poured a cup of hot coffee & eased home enjoying the drive. At home Barbara had a fresh pot of potato soup ready to eat. Love that woman.

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