Prayer request

by Paul ⌂, Monday, January 26, 2015, 21:32 (3529 days ago)

Guys, this afternoon we had a chance to talk to a woman who is decided on ending her earthly existence. A certain anti-government group kidnapped her family, tortured and killed her husband and older son, abused her daughters and herself and there's even more that I won't go into here. They are now being shunted around different "official entities" and being told "you'll be taken care of". It's been a long time since I've sat and looked into the eyes of pain and hopelessness like I did today. We were able to visit some with the lady, two of her daughters and her grand daughter, born from the abuse.

Right now I'm not sure what our response should be. We did ensure they've got sustenance and necessary personal hygiene items for the immediate future. Prayers for wisdom for my wife and I and the leaders here are greatly appreciated.


Things like this are hard to fathom. Man's inhumanity to man is legendary.

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