Shooting Today

by Creeker @, Hardwoods, Saturday, January 24, 2015, 17:03 (3531 days ago)

Was out Friday with Barbara, she shooting the S&W M-17 again. I fired a couple magazines through my carry gun but really went to shoot my H&R Handi Rifle with the Lyman 311008 bullet, sized .310 & loaded with 5 grains of Promo. The first 2 rounds would not fire with 2 strikes to each.

After her range session I took Barbara home & visited my gunsmith. He headspaced the rifle, the no gauge went but the field gauge didn’t. He also measured the firing pin protrusion a declared it fine. He suggested I check my loads as he thought one of the loads I provided him had a primer not completely seated.

These loads use the CCI #34 primer which has a hard cup. I purchased a ton of them way back, on sale for ‘bout 12/1000. I do know they seat hard in my ’06 using R/P cases & they seated hard in my 30-30 brass also R/P.

Now because of this & the fact my loading room benches are now on the back porch & I’m loading off a desk I purchased a system on which I can seat primers on the down stroke. I’ll load some of these using that system making sure the primers are bottomed.

So today I went back out with a M-94 Winchester in which to try those same loads. Well the gunsmith was correct as usual. I had 5 or 6 rounds which failed to fire on the first strike.

I took a S&W 67-1 along for the trip too. I’m learning to love that little sixgun. Fired a load using the Saeco 928 bullet & 3.5 grains of Promo & a HMF primer. No misfires there. Took a few pictures, hope you enjoy them.

The Winchester

The loads

The 67 Smith

The target

The top 6 shots to the left are from the 38 at 25 yards offhand. They measure 2 1/4” so if it’s said I’m a bullseye shooter don’t believe it. The other holes are from the 30-30. BTW the stainless red ramp doesn’t hold elevation well for me.

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