Checked my notes and in my ruger #2 or is it #4?

by ERSisk, Thursday, January 22, 2015, 23:31 (3533 days ago) @ ERSisk

I am using reformed 30-30 brass and 280 gr. cast gc bullets at 1800 fps in my #3 with the #1 stock. If you are shooting cast bullets reformed 30-30 cases should not be an issue. If you want full blls to the wall jacketed 375 Win. loads 30-30 brass will have a real short life. 30-30 brass at 38,000 CUP will get you to 2300 fps with 200 gr jacketed and 2100 fps with 220's. Hate to admit it, but I have a good bit of 375 win. brass that I reformed to 357 Herrett 30 years ago.

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