that's a good looking setup

by bj @, Thursday, January 15, 2015, 20:06 (3540 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

It would be easy to make something like that for a lot less money if you are a little handy. I once built a small table by laminating 1x2's that I salvaged from old pallets. With a couple of 2x2's and more 1x2's I made legs for it. I had it around our house as a side table for about 30 years. Last time we moved my wife made me give it away.

I had an old reloading stand that my uncle made when I was a kid. He welded a piece of pipe on an old car flywheel, and welded a piece of plate about 5" x 8" on top. Bolt the press to the plate, set the flywheel on the floor and you are in business. Portable and didn't take up much space, but heavy.

I've found that lightweight tables don't resist backwards movements of the arm very well. The flywheel didn't and I suspect the workmate wouldn't either, but not much you can do about it.

For range use I think you can buy the cheap Lee presses, bolt one to a small board, and clamp the board to whatever table is available.

But then Lee makes a fully hand press that you can use without a table.

When I went to Lee's site to find links for the above, I see that they make their own small and portable loading stand:

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