Forum and website hosting drive - 2015

by webservant @, Tuesday, January 13, 2015, 14:28 (3542 days ago)
edited by Paul, Wednesday, January 14, 2015, 21:16

Hey guys, it's that time of year again - hosting costs come due soon. We've moved to a newer, faster, more stable server and things have been going well. If you'd like to pitch something into the pot to help defray the hosting costs of this forum and the various and sundry associated websites, pop on over to the donation page for info on how to do so. Once our goal is reached, I'll take down the donation page, unsticky this post and lock it.

Goal this year is $287.40. We've got domain names about maxed out so are not including them in the drive this year, just the forum and website hosting costs.

Thanks in advance to all who contribute (in so many ways) toward keeping this place going.

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