From the western edge of the eastern plains...

by Paul ⌂, Wednesday, December 24, 2014, 15:57 (3562 days ago)

just north of the Equator and south of the Canal, we wish each and every one of you who frequent this forum a blessed time of celebrating the birth of Jesus the Christ. We've been here, outside our usual area of operation, for just over a week, enjoying a change of pace and ministry and taking advantage of an opportunity to be out and away from the city. Shucks, even got a chance to try the new pellet rifle out a couple times, stretching it to 40 meters for the first time. It is definitely more accurate than yours truly, need to find a way to get in more trigger time. Anyway, our time here is almost at a close for now and we'll be heading back to Coffee Country and "normalcy" soon - in plenty of time to get ready to "ring out the old year". Temps have been clear up in the mid 30's (Celsius), leaving us looking forward to a return of more "normal" temps for us - in the mid 20's. Hope y'all are staying warm and enjoying this special season of the year!

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