Crossbolt safety really doesn't bother me...

by rob @, Wednesday, December 17, 2014, 21:32 (3569 days ago) @ Hobie

I have had so many Marlin leverguns I've lost count. I can definitely say I have not been without one since '95. I have never heard the dreaded click...except for a Ruger Bisley firmly planted hard on a live hogs head because I let go of the hammer thinking it was fully cocked only to hear it fall and hit the frame rather than the transfer bar...but that's not a crossbar safety issue. Fortunately she thought it wiser to continue her run rather than stop and fight...THANKFULLY:) But anyhow, I just keep it off and subconsciously feel for it to be in the right place. I've thought about puting the filler plug in my Guide Gun but never have. Now the Winchester 94's with the cross bolt safeties are a whole nuther story. That crater is ugly with a capital Ug!

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