Paypal ... educate me

by Paul ⌂, Wednesday, December 17, 2014, 07:41 (3570 days ago) @ Cherokee

Once you set up your account you can send an invoice or use another tool to request money. There's a cost to the seller of "x" percent that PayPal takes off the top - except for certain gifts. A commercial transaction, however, generates the cost of doing business.

My practice is to NOT leave the money in there but to transfer it to my bank ASAP. Some folks hate them because they are anti-gun. Others take delight in bypassing their rules in one way or another. They are a tool that can cut in a variety of ways. In my experience they have made it easier for me to do things like serve as a collector of funds to pay for this forum (and the related web sites) in an efficient way although I'm north of the Equator but south of the Canal.

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