Night Walks

by Big Six, Tuesday, December 16, 2014, 19:10 (3570 days ago)

Years ago I had night walks with my boys to teach them to not be afraid of the dark. I wrote a paper for the family regarding those walks years ago. Those boys are all grown now and I am in the grandfather stage. (God gives us second chances whether we deserve them or not.) In a nutshell, I told my boys there are only two things they have to fear in life. I told them that there are things that are not mortal (not mortal took some explaining) and there are things mortal. I told them if they love Jesus and trust in Him that the things not mortal will not even approach them. I also told them that I would teach them how to deal with the mortal things that could hurt them. I did teach them and they well understand. I am satisfied that they all are in good shape in both arenas. Years of pursuing things I enjoy (most of them consisting of steel and wood) allowed them to take possession of things they will someday enjoy more than they can now understand even though the baby is nearly 30 and a LEO.

Tonight I took my grandson (3.5 years old) to lock up the chickens. It was pitch black in the woods and he had a little flashlight I gave him so he could learn how to do other than merely leave one on until the batteries died. We were navigating in the dark about 100 yards from the house and I told him to keep his light on the ground so we could see where we were walking. He was, as expected a bit apprehensive about the surrounding darkness but I told him Papaw was there and he had nothing to worry about. We made it to the chicken house, collected the eggs and he wanted to look at the chickens on the roost.

I started shooting at the age of four but that is not practical these days. I pray I live long enough to teach him what I taught his Daddy and his uncles.

Whenever I feel afraid I don't whistle a happy tune. I like to reach down by my side and feel a big handful of N Frame. Other things will do but those old N Frames sure feel good in the dark.

The little feller has a couple waiting for him and I'll bet he will have the same reassurance I have when I grab those big grips.

Say yer prayers boys....


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