Double Guns are the 'new' stylish' among monied folks

by John Meeker @, United States, Monday, December 15, 2014, 16:06 (3571 days ago) @ cubrock

who know who went on safari and bragged about his 'kill' and the expensive gun he used. And, indeed, any veteran of DoubleGuns-dottie-karma can testify to the astronomical upward curve of the associated firearms. What was once more or less a concern of people whom you and I would have some common factors, the 'my toy is mo' bettuh than y'r paltry little example crow-crowd' appears to have overshadowed the scholars and quiet appreciators of the finest of craftsmanship. To Julia, it is this crowd and The Names with which they are far more familair, and see the money. who was elsmer? To us, The World, so to speak. So, I do hope He kicks the Noo-vOOO bunch right down the bidding alley. But we know that our world, it's heroes, and it's inhabitants are a rare and wonderful place that has beter people and better manners than 99% of the livng humansd on this planet. good-enuff for me, thank you,.

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