Hope I wasn't offensive

by cubrock, Tuesday, December 09, 2014, 20:41 (3577 days ago) @ Byron

I figured you were referring back to that and I was adding in my 2 cents in good-natured fun. We really do have a chipmunk problem in our neighborhood, but that is beside the point.

I wasn't always an AR fan and hope I wasn't one of the ones that gave you serious flak. I really like 7.62 NATO in a couple different platforms for my own reasons, but I also like having a couple ARs and AK-style rifles around, too, along with copious mags and ammo for each. Anymore, when asked "What is the best battle rifle?" my answer is usually "YES!" or "One more of each, please!"

We can argue about what is the best cartridge, best platform, whatever until the cows come home. For practical me, when there is such a huge abundance of 5.56 ammo and AR/M16/M4 variants around, it is just plain practical to have at least one, too, along with a goodly supply of ammo. Same goes for AK variants, Mosin-Nagants, Beretta 92s (man, what an abundance of cheap surplus mags around here!), .45 ACP, 9mm, and even .40 S&W. If it ever does come to scrounging for ammo, parts, magazines - whatever - I feel better having a variety of the common stuff so I can continue to shoot, whether for fun or out of necessity.

On a tangential note, I was sharing with a good shooting friend, recently, your experience doing FOF training with airsoft guns. Our boys were at a birthday party that was an all-out airsoft war, which is what brought your post on such to mind. He found your experience with such training interesting and helpful. We've been pondering how we can make that happen for our close circle.

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