I Find Myself at Ground Zero

by Charles, Monday, December 08, 2014, 11:00 (3579 days ago)
edited by Charles, Monday, December 08, 2014, 11:08

Now for a little politics.

My hometown (Brownsville, Texas) is now ground zero for the legal challenge to the Constitutionality of Obama's sweeping immigration executive order. Greg Abbott the current Texas AG and Governor Elect on the behalf of Texas and about 20 others states have filed suit in the Federal District Court for the Southern District of Texas, Brownsville Division challenging the legality of this order.

Congress can foam and faunch, jump up and down and swear political vengeance, but it is the states that have the best legal standing to best challenge legality of the order as they are the people who will have to pay, in real dollars for the effect of the order.

I suspect Abbott and friends did some "forum shopping" as they filed the case in the court of Judge Andrew Hanen. I know Hanen quite well, as we attend the same church and belong to several social groups together. He is fearless, having taken on the drug cartels and corrupt judges, lawyers, LEOs and the District Attorney down here, all of which are now in the Federal penal system. He is also of traditional conservative bent, and will call them the way he seem them. In spite of his personal views on things he will rule according to the law. He is a straight shooter who will not be subject to pressure from the central government administration. He already has a target painted on his back by some of the worse bad asses in the Western Hemisphere.

I doubt the issue will end here, as whoever wins, the decision will be appealed, but it will start here. Pretty interesting times for this backwater town on the border.

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