.357 perfect packin pistol... I had a lot of help from you

by Rob Leahy ⌂ @, Prescott, Arizona, Sunday, November 30, 2014, 18:58 (3586 days ago)

folks...It took my 16 years of off and on searching, but I finally found, what to me, is the ideal outdoorman's gun. a S&W Mountain Gun on an L frame 7 rounds of easy packing .357. Carried today in the first "S[peed Chopped" Sourdough Pancake holster with a new Quick Six Speed loader pouch...The Tuff Product's Quick strip shows then versatility of a .357...Myra, our 8 month old black lab pup is a great trail companion.[image]On top: a Quick Six speedloader/moon clip pouch A S&W Mountain gun 686+ .357 and a Quick strip with 8 rounds of various 38 spl and .357 mag loads [image]"Selfie" of my Mountain Gun in a Speed Chop Sourdough,worn IWB — at Simply Rugged Holsters.[image]Happy Pup back from a nice walk in the hills...

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