Who needs a heater...........

by Gunner @, St Louis, Friday, November 28, 2014, 17:26 (3588 days ago)

When you spend hours grinding out knife blanks...............


The small industrial grade heater I use works it's butt off trying to heat the garage when it gets cold outside, never gets above 66-67 degrees in there. But you crank up the 2hp belt grinder along with the 6hp suction system the temp hits 75+ easy. Add to that the 500watt light above my head over the grinder it makes me feel like a thanksgiving turkey, in the end it is worth it. Besides, if I don't make the pile of metal dust who will? Haven't figured out yet how to teach the dogs to do the grinding ;-)

Here is one I finished last week and will be adding to the website as soon as I can get some decent pictures.......



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