Kahr CW-9 opinions

by R.E. (steps into the room for a minute) @, Sunday, March 25, 2012, 00:24 (4574 days ago)

Hi guys it has been way too long. However, between work and my now 5 yr old daughter I just haven't had much time or money for other interests lately. It's good to see several names posting that I recognize. I miss you all.

Back at Christmas time I handled a Kahr CW-9 in a new shop in my mother inlaws home town. It has made a lasting impression. The big Tulsa gun show is next week and I will have all my pennies saved up to afford one as soon as I get my check this week. I have no other 9mm's or plastic guns right now as they have never really impressed me but for some reason the feel of this one did. Does anyone here have one or any experience with one they can share? Give me the good, the bad and the ugly on them if you would.

I hope all is well with you all here. Thanks,

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