Thanks for the suggestions everyone.....

by Harry O-1, Sunday, November 23, 2014, 17:20 (3593 days ago) @ Harry O-1

I will do my best. I like my job. The last 5 years, I have been climbing all over bridges to inspect them, designing repairs where necessary, and making sure they get repaired right. That sounds pretty simple and straight forward. I take care of about 120 of them and another 70 large culverts.

I have done a lot of different things as an engineer through the years and have liked most of them. I would have continued a while longer, but what I called the BS has infected everything. I am very glad I am not a young engineer and know I would have to live with the BS for years to come.

I now know how past empires came to an end. Bureaucracy, political correctness, and welfare parasites caused their end. As it will cause the end of ours. I hope I don't see it myself and I hope I can ease the transition a little bit for my kids and their kids.

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