I have just started working with a No. 1 in said caliber.

by John Meeker @, United States, Friday, November 07, 2014, 20:11 (3609 days ago) @ Hoot

Reports needed, eventually. I've become sorta a 'medium everything' speed, weight, gun type -- sorta a boring ol fart. OTOH my wore out shoulders and wrists appreciate the moderation, the loads are easy to find and do, the accuracy is quite up to my skills. Heck, at this rate of retrogression, I may need a single-shot dedicated to .38 Spec wadcutters -- A boys vintage .410 hammer gun would take a glue-in liner just fine. However, that's after I clear off the more than six, but less than twelve assorted projects .... none of which are especially remunerative in re-sale value once completed

Must be second childhood to have re-found a liking for simple stuff, tho I appreciatte as much as ever 'fine and complex'..

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