Thank you all so much for your kind words and prayers.

by Hoot @, Diversityville, Liberal-sota, Wednesday, November 05, 2014, 06:53 (3612 days ago) @ Hoot

I didn't mean to state it like it was necessarily a bad thing. In truth, I have been quite unhappy for several years now but just too stubborn to quit. When I heard there was going to be a "reduction in workforce", I just about sent a note to my boss to volunteer. They just beat me to the punch.

Melodie and I are really in a good place financially. We are very nearly debt free, our house is paid off and we carry no credit card debt at all. There is adequate money set aside for retirement in a few years. We have health insurance through her school so it's not at all a dire situation.

The biggest impact will be on the gun buying front where that activity will be sharply curtailed, but then, I already have enough guns, bullets, powder, primers to last a couple of decades.

So, this is more an answer to my prayers than anything else. I will try and keep my eyes and ears open to see where God wants me next.

I promised Melodie our marriage wouldn't be dull! ;-)

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