OT: Kerosene and torpedo heaters

by mcassill, Tuesday, November 04, 2014, 19:40 (3612 days ago) @ Mark

Master says their torpedo heaters up to 200k btu can be used with diesel and jet fuel, as well as kerosene. #2 diesel is heavier, has a bit of an odor to it, and can have issues with flowing at temps below 12 deg F. Red dye in fuel signifies non-taxed off-road fuel, either diesel or kerosene. The dye is added when the truck is loaded at the pipeline (in accordance with specs promulgated by the IRS) and burns just fine. A lot of stations that do sell kerosene don't move much of it for half the year, so it sits, draws water and grows algae. And occasionally somebody gets gasoline mixed in it somewhere along the way, which causes a sizeable number of house fires every year.

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