Give you something worth coming home to...

by Byron, Tuesday, November 04, 2014, 15:53 (3613 days ago)

Two weeks ago she ran a 1:51.15 half marathon, first in her age group (50-55) and top 10% of females. She was disappointed in her performance(?)!

This morning she did a quarter mile of lunges carrying a 100lb. sandbag followed by 4 sets of 50 back squats with the sandbag on her shoulders. She weighs 135lbs. It was a leg day at the gym! She's tough enough!

A pure fierce mother who has seen both the happiest and most painful parts of loving children.

Puts up with me most of the time. True redhead that fights like hell for what she believes in and does not suffer fools. Sometimes has a potty mouth and has put up with me and my bad habits for decades....

Color me happy!


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