Today's Range Report

by Fowler, Monday, November 03, 2014, 09:16 (3614 days ago) @ Dave B

Well we hunt in all weather conditions so we might as well practice in them as well right? I know it's hard to load test in bad weather but still.

The one rub I have found with the cast hollowpoint is they don't hit the same place as the same bullet with a solid nose. In my 480 my hollowpoint runs 482gr and my solid is 405gr, about 2" higher at 25 yards honestly. So generally you have to pick one or the other but you can't mix them in your cylinder

My standard bullet for my 480 for years has been a 375gr LFN that I cast, it hits close enough to the hollowpoint that they can be mixed in a cylinder, the groups over lap each other completely at 50 yards. The idea for me was a hollowpoint for the first shot and solids behind it if I had to breakdown the animal after the first hit. I'm probably over thinking all of this but I am going to try them out on dies here shortly.

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