
by Byron, Sunday, November 02, 2014, 16:14 (3615 days ago)

Through the years it has become clear that a light short and handy rifle will probably be around when you need it than a heavy and long rifle will. When most of the shooting on the ranch is within 100 yards there is little need for 12x telescopes and belted magnum rifles.

The top is the new Rossi .357 by Nonneman and the bottom is a M94 .44 Mag also by Nonneman but back 15 or 20 years ago when he was doing John Linebaugh's blueing when John lived in Marysville. He does really good work and is a solid man to know as a friend.

The Winchester was originally fitted with a AO Ghost Ring rear and Big Dot Tritium front sight that seemed to be a good idea at the time but proved much to coarse for most of the shooting that I do.

I had Regan swap it for a fine diameter green fiber optic front sight that is much better for my eyes and my shooting. Very nice.

The .357 is good for 90% of the shooting that I do on game and the .44 is good for absolutely bone crushing power with proper ammunition.

Byron likey!


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