DIY kicks to the rear end....

by Sarge ⌂ @, Central Misery, Friday, October 24, 2014, 19:26 (3624 days ago) @ Slow Hand

In 97 I bought a new 5.5" Blackhawk in 45 Colt- about a 4 MOA revolver. A friend pestered me for it and offered full price so I let it go in the off season. Bought its replacement that October and it was about a 16 MOA gun if you held your mouth right... still managed to kill a doe with it, by lining up it 3 accurate chambers to come up first. It went back to Southport several times and finally stayed... I sure hope they scrapped it.

The last Vaquero was a 5.5" 45 which was pretty accurate. But I let it go last spring in hopes I'd find the shorter version of the same gun... and luckily I did. Did a little shooting with it today a 60 yards using the 13.0 HS6/255 SWC load. My shooting ain't the best right now but the gun was making 3-4 inch clusters when I didn't screw up. About 5 file strokes zeroed it and carries so nice, I won't miss its predecessor at all.

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