Clean Shoot Award

by Scribe, Tuesday, October 21, 2014, 08:54 (3627 days ago)


Earned my sixth clean shoot award (out of seven attempts) at the 11th annual SASS NJ State Championship in Jackson, NY over the weekend. Used a brace of Buntline Specials holstered in Simply Rugged leather -- the Cattleman in extra-long length. So I did not get any awards for speed shooting ... I really need longer arms for unsheathing those shooting irons.

Missed four of the events in the past because they always chose the same weekend I was visiting my daughter at OSU for Parents Weekend.

I believe that 10 out of the 133 registered shootists earned that distinction of shooting clean -- no misses (250 total rounds), no safety violations, and no procedural penalties.

Scribe (who is still smilin')

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