Weak Hand Shooting

by Sarge ⌂ @, Central Misery, Sunday, October 19, 2014, 21:24 (3628 days ago)

Weak Hand Shooting 10-19-14

Since I have been dragged kicking and screaming into the netherworld of wrong-handedness, you get tortured along with me. Today's effort involved 5-6 rounds from the LCP .380 and 5 rounds from Glock 30 .45 Auto at 7 to 25 yards. The LCP got fed an assortment of leftover FMJ and the Glock was fed Perfecta 230 FMJ. All shooting done left hand only; same B27 used throughout. Development of target:

7 Yards, PDQ

15 Yards, 6-8 seconds


25 Yards, 10-12 seconds


Head, 25 Yards, five deliberate shots


1. I don't shoot as well left handed but I can probably save my bacon with it.
2. It ain't 'autopilot' yet so if I'm gonna need to shoot, I better start sooner now.
3. I need more practice at this.

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