It is hard to sleep with all the excitement.....

by Otony, Sunday, October 19, 2014, 04:06 (3629 days ago) @ Otony

Today I met a few fine folks in the Sixgunner world.

To begin with, Mr. John Taffin of course, but I was also privileged to meet Ted Keith! Yes, the son of the master. In addition, there were a few other folks that some of you know.

John Linebaugh
Gary Reeder
Ben Forkin
Jack Huntington
Brian Pierce
Rob Leahy
Bob Baker
Wayne Baker
Roy Fishpaw
Kelly Brost
Kelye Schlepp
Andrew Rowe
Jeff Johns
Ken O'Neill
Milt Morrison
Blacky Sleeva

I accompanied Glen Fryxell to the dinner, and we saw Tom Lewis there. I know I've left out a few folks, for which I apologize, but I'm a bit excited having won a raffle at dinner. Just a small one, mind you, so I won't mention it much, but I will post a picture of myself and John . Oh, btw, John is holding my small prize........


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